International Jobs

Netherlands Seasonal Work VISA Jobs 2024 Application Process

The Netherlands emerges as a prime destination for those seeking Netherlands Seasonal Work VISA Jobs 2024abroad, especially in 2024. I must tell you that the Netherlands with its significant agricultural output, is on the lookout for seasonal workers in 2024 to fill many roles within its vibrant farming sector.

Purpose and Duration: The seasonal work visa for the Netherlands caters entirely to short-term agricultural jobs, limited to 24 weeks. Normal and skilled employee visas, on the other hand, are meant for a broader spectrum of occupations and longer employment durations.

Therefore, if you goal to find and apply for seasonal work opportunities in the Netherlands then this Seasonal work visa is going to be your key. So, this guide aims to deliver comprehensive insights into obtaining a seasonal work visa, meeting suitability criteria, and finding employment.

The drive of the Netherlands Seasonal Work Visa

The Netherlands Seasonal Work Visa, or “verblijfsvergunning” for seasonal work, is designed to allow persons from outside the European Union to legally reside and work in the Netherlands. Personalized for the agricultural and horticultural sectors, this visa eases employment with Dutch companies for up to 24 weeks or six months.

Seasonal Agricultural Jobs in the Netherlands with Seasonal Work VISA

The Netherlands offers a wide variety of seasonal jobs for which you can apply for seasonal work visa in 2024, including:

  • Asparagus farming and harvesting (March-June)
  • Strawberry picking in greenhouses (March-December)
  • Flower picker in greenhouses (March-December)
  • Vegetable farming (March-October)
  • Field flower picker (May-October)
  • Working in flower and plant nurseries (March-May and September-December)
  • Apple or pear picker (August-October)
  • Field strawberry harvesting (May-August)

Eligibility Criteria for Netherlands Seasonal work visa

To qualify for seasonal work in the Netherlands, applicants must meet five key conditions as outlined by the Dutch government:

  1. Duration: The work must not surpass 24 weeks.
  2. Sufficient Income: Applicants must earn enough to support themselves, and cover accommodation and health insurance.
  3. Legal Entry: Applicants must not have arrived in the Netherlands illegally within the past three years.
  4. Dutch Employer: The sponsoring owner must have a registered office in the Netherlands.
  5. Tax Registration: The employer must be listed with the Dutch tax authorities.

Application Process for a Netherlands Seasonal Work Visa in 2024

To apply for a seasonal work visa in the Netherlands, the process is employer-driven and includes two main steps:

Employer Sponsorship Process:

    1. Initiation by Employer: A Dutch employer who offers you seasonal employment starts the application by demanding a Single Permit (GVVA) from the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). This permit is a mixture of a residence and work permit specifically for seasonal workers.
    2. Application Submission: Your employer submits this application to the IND, which then cooperates with the Netherlands Employees Insurance Agency (UWV) to evaluate the labor market’s demand for the job.

Visa Collection

    1. Approval and Notification: Upon support of the Single Permit, both you and your employer are notified by the IND.
    2. MVV Collection: You will receive instructions for collection your MVV (Machtiging Voor Voorlopig Verblijf), a preliminary visa sticker for your passport, which you pick up at a Dutch delegation or consulate in your country.

Visa Application Fee: As of 2024, the application fee for a Seasonal House Permit is 210 euros.

Websites to Find Seasonal Jobs in 2024:

For those looking for seasonal job opportunities, numerous websites can be useful, including the Netherlands Official Job Portal, and Eures. These platforms offer a diversity of listings across the agricultural sector, providing a gateway to employment for students and international workers alike.

ALSO READ: How to write a CV for a Job in Just 5 Minutes?


  • Duration of Work: Seasonal workers can be hired for a maximum of 24 weeks.
  • Skill Requirements: While previous skills can be beneficial, many positions are entry-level with on-the-job training provided.
  • Earlier Visits to the Netherlands: Applicants can apply for a seasonal work visa irrespective of previous visits, provided they meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Accommodation: Employer-provided accommodation varies and may be comprised as part of the job package.
  • Extension of Seasonal Work Permit: Typically, seasonal work permits are not extensible due to their short-term nature. Those wishing to work longer may essential to explore other visa options.

For more full information and to explore your options further, visiting the official Dutch government website or communicating the Dutch embassy in your home country is optional. This will ensure you have the most current and complete guidance for pursuing seasonal work in the Netherlands

Hanzla Luqman

(Associate Editor) Hanzla holds a BS Degree in Botany. He is also a well-known personality and educationist and has a large number of social following. He is also a scholarship winner and mentor for students looking for studying abroad opportunities.

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